Penulis : Lely Sriniati Nazara
Abstrak : Background national research in national report of Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2007, status nutrition population aged 6-14 yeaars (school age) are skinny kid ( (boys) 13,3 %, are skinny kid (girls) 10.9 %, are fat kid (boy 9,5 %), are fat kid (girls) 6,4 %,. Objective this study to determine the relationship of nutrition status with learning achievement of children in private primary school district Lahewa Muhammadiyah. reasrch method is analytical. Sample private elementary school students muhammadiyah lahewa totaling 90 people. Data instrument using the observation sheet. Analyze data univariate and bivariate. Result of the study the majority of respondents have a good nutrition status is 84 peole and has a good learning achievement as many as 39 people and less learning achievement as many as 3 people. conclusions status relationship with learning achievement of children in private elementary school muhammadiyah lahewa have a significant relationship. Suggestion recommended for teacher to continue to control the monitoring of nutrition and lifestyle as well as provide motivation to learn in children as a shared responbility.
Keywords : Nutrition Status , Learning Achievement