Penulis : Agustina Nazara

Abstrak : The Background, childbirth is a process of opening cervix thinning and contraction in the uterus and cause pain in childbirth. Theraupatic communication is done as an effort to reduce labor pain, anxiety and shorter delivery time. Research Objectives, knowing communication theraupetic relationship with labor pain in Gunungsitoli Regional General Hospital. The Study Design, is cross sectional analytic approach. The samples in this study were mothers in partum step I. Data Analysis is done in two phases : univariat analysis and bivariat analysis. Research Result, based on the research that has take place from 65 respondent who exprienced pain were as many as 50 persons (76,9%), who experienced mild pain as many as 10 persons (15,4%) and experienciin severe pain as many as 5 persons (100%) analysis of the results obtained, there is on relationship between theraupetic communication (p = 1,000 > 0,05) respondents who do not have a family support 64 persons (98,5%) of respondents who do not have family support 1 peoples (1,5%). Analysis result (p = 1,000 > 0,05) respondent parity primipara 18 peoples (27,7%), respondents parity secundipara 10 persons (15,4%), respondents parity multiparous 23 persons (35,4%) respondents grandemultiparous 14 persons (21,5%) the result of analysis (p = 0,051 > 0,05) respondents did complete Antenatal care (ANC) 60 persons (92,3%), respondents did ANC 5 persons (7,7%) the results of analysis (p = 1,000 > 0,05). Conclusion, so that midwives are able to communication theraupetic, family support, parity, ANC againts labor pain. Advice, so that midwives are able to communication better and correct theraupetic intervention to reduce the intensity of pain in normal maternal care

Kata Kunci : Theraupetic communication, labor pain